Works ramp up on the West Gate Freeway

Drivers getting off the West Gate Freeway at Williamstown Road will use a new off-ramp from this week as work powers ahead on the congestion-busting West Gate Tunnel.
The temporary ramp will give workers space to start working on the citybound entrance to the 2.8 kilometre city bound tunnel that will link the West Gate Freeway to the port, the CBD and CityLink.
The Williamstown Road temporary ramp will divert drivers around the construction zone for the tunnel portal while the permanent Williamstown Road exit ramp is built over the next six months.
Drivers will also soon notice increased activity as works to widen the West Gate Freeway from eight to 12 lanes also ramps up.
Work is already underway to prepare the sites for construction and 800 safety barriers have been installed between Williamstown Road and the M80 Ring Road.
The freeway widening works will be staged to shift traffic lanes to the sides of the freeway or the centre median, allowing construction to take place safely on different parts of the road.
Drivers will be kept moving with all lanes open during peak periods while works are carried out.
The West Gate Tunnel Project will slash travel from the west to the city by up to 20 minutes.