What the post-Covid Neighbourhood will look like in New York City

Design recommendations for commercial corridors and public spaces in New York City that have been impacted by Covid-19 have been released by Arup, says The UK’s Construction Index
The recommendations have been made as part of Neighborhoods Now, an initiative launched by the Urban Design Forum and Van Alen Institute to support areas as they work to reopen over the coming months.
Arup collaborated with the Community League of the Heights (Cloth) and a team of designers that included Design Advocates, Woods Bagot, Stantec and Gensler. They have developed a range of revitalisation and community-building strategies for Washington Heights. The group partnered with community members including local business and property owners. The resulting recommendations are detailed in a final report anchored by three concept proposals designed to activate retail stores and restaurants and provide safe outdoor space for residents of all ages.