Walsh Bay Arts and Cultural Precinct – Pier 2/3 and Wharf 4/5
The project comprises Pier 2/3 and Wharf 4/5 and is located within a unique heritage setting on world class Sydney Harbour. The proposal will create a public arts and cultural hub on Sydney’s famous waterfront while preserving its iconic heritage. It includes creating new arts facilities and performance venues in Pier 2/3 which is currently underutilised and refurbishing facilities in Wharf 4/5. Pier 2/3 is the last remaining undeveloped wharf in Sydney and is used for arts cultural and creative purposes.
Wharf 4/5 is a major arts facility within the precinct with a strong focus on theatre and dance. Existing facilities include:
– Three theatres
– Dance performance space
– Dance studios
– Rehearsal workshop spaces
– Café bar and restaurant.
The proposal covers construction work along with plans for new commercial and event uses. The detailed scope of the application includes:
Pier 2/3
– The adaptive re-use of the building for new arts facilities including performance venues for the Australian Chamber Orchestra Bell Shakespeare and Australian Theatre for Young People;
– Retaining a large heritage commercial events/art space for events such as Sydney Writers Festival Biennale of Sydney and a wide range of commercial and artistic events;
– A series of stairs external lift and balconies designed as a contemporary interpretation of the original gantries reflecting the precinct’s former industrial heritage; and
– Modifications to the roof.
Wharf 4/5
– Refurbishment of the ground floor arts facilities and associated Shore Sheds for Bangarra Dance Theatre Sydney Dance Company Sydney Philharmonia Gondwana and Song Company;
– New commercial retail opportunities;
– A series of stairs external lifts and balconies designed as a contemporary interpretation of the original gantries reflecting the precincts former industrial heritage; and – – Modification to the roof.