Victoria’s Suburban Rail Loop begins
Construction begins on Victoria’s Suburban Rail Loop (SRL), a massive project linking every major rail line in the state.
The project aims to deliver better public transport, connect communities and ease road congestion by connecting each major line via the airport.
Key aspects:
- 630m sewer pipe – dug by a remote-controlled micro-tunnelling machine – begins the project creating up to 800 local jobs
- Up to 10 tunnel boring machines (TBMS) expected to carve the 26km of twin tunnels
- 6 new underground stations will be linked
- SRL East will be open by 2035
- A trip from Cheltenham to Box Hill in just 22 minutes.
- A new super hub at Clayton will connect regional Victorians to the SRL
- SRL East will generate up to 8,000 jobs during construction,
Article by Stephanie Nestor