What does user registration provide?
Our site is free to browse, and over 10,000 construction industry workers do just that! You can read the latest news, browse for conferences or landscaping services, or view job opportunities just to name a few. Becoming a member of Construction Advisor is a great way to increase your brand awareness and increase business leads. You can create listings to let the viewers know about your company, services, apprenticeship programs, jobs and more.
We are Construction Advisor – everything construction, all in one place
How to use the site
Here is a description of the listings and how to use them:
- Jobs –
- looking for work? Browse our Job Vacancies
- exploring options in a particular sector? Filter the Jobs Boards by category/state/keyword, eg. list all Jobs in Electrical, in Victoria
- list as a Job Seeker – advertise your availability to employers or advertise your freelance services
- need help finding a job? Find services to improve your interview skills or help with your resume. It’s all there
- Events – find advertised events or filter the Event Boards by category/state/keywords, eg. list all Events for HVAC in 2023, across Australia
- Courses – find advertised courses or filter the Course Boards by category/state/keywords, eg. list all courses for Landscaping in NSW
- Business Directory – find services for your project with easy-to-use search & filter options across 50+ categories
* Coming soon – Boards for Apprenticeship & Graduate Programs
Membership Options
Membership allows you to create your own listings, so viewers can find your products and services and classified listings.
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- Sorting: Listings are sorted into Featured then Standard, and each group is randomised for each view
- Home page tile – 10 Featured listings are randomly selected and presented on each view of the Directory home page
- New: All listings are highlighted “NEW” for 2 weeks after listing, and 1 New listing is randomly selected to display on the Directory home page
- Boards: lists those companies which have pages on their website which list jobs, events, courses, apprenticeship and graduate programs. By providing the URL for these pages in your Directory Listing, we extract the information and present it to the viewers so they can easily search for those offerings
- Classified Listings: are individual listings for Jobs, Events and Courses
- Payment: Completing the New Registration form will ask you to select a membership type, and payment will be prompted (except for pay-as-you-go). After becoming a member, when you select to create a listing (directory or classified), we will calculate if the listing is included in your membership or is chargeable separately
- All memberships are for 12 months. We will send you a reminder to renew
- There are also options for side-banner ads which gives prominence to your Business across all pages on the website
Contact Us
Need more information? We are happy to assist.
Email: ask@constructionadvisor.com.au
Phone: 0456 134 634
LinkedIn: LinkedIn