Tenders called for $275 million upgrade to Nelson Bay Road, Nelson Bay, NSW

The Community Consultation Report has been released and tenders called for the $275 million upgrade of 1 km of the Nelson Bay Road from Salt Ash to Bobs Farm, NSW. The upgrade will improve traffic flow and safety as well as cut travel times along this section of the NSW mid-north coast. This is the last piece of this road to be upgraded, and will make a difference to the local community.
The NSW Government recently invested $66 million in upgrading the Newcastle Airport runway, which will result in increased traffic in the area, as more people use the roads in the future.
This project is expected to take about 18 months to complete, weather permitting, and will include 3.5-metre travel lanes, 2.5-metre shoulders, a concrete median separation barrier, two connected retaining walls, utility relocations and fauna exclusion fencing.
Tenders are now open and the successful contractor is expected to be announced before the end of 2021.
Information about the upgrade is available here.
To review the Community Consultation Report, click here.