Talking about mental health on a construction site

Mental health issues are on the rise, with death from suicide rising approximately 13% over the last 10 years. This is no more evident than in the construction industry, which is typically male-dominated and there is still the fear that if you talk about mental health, others will think you are weak.
However, one construction business in Newcastle is aiming to turn that around. Kate Mudd, a former excavator operator and truck driver, now works in health and safety at Mullane Construction Plumbing. She has seen how bad it has become in the industry, and fears for the effect it can have on the younger generation of increasingly-younger apprentices coming into the industry.
It is vital that everyone keeps an eye out for how others are going. If you notice changes in them, in their behaviours, how they are going at work every day, talk to someone about it – if workers are not talking to their mates at work, having someone keeping an eye out can make the difference between their getting assistance and not.
Every day, 8 Australians die by suicide and it is the leading cause of death in young people. Ms Mudd has been encouraging her workmate to sign up to the NSW Health Gatekeeper program, which trains community members to recognise signs that someone is not going well. The more people are equipped to recognise the signs, and can approach their mates, the better the outcome all round. Just because you don’t need acute intervention, doesn’t mean you don’t need some help, and it’s ok to ask for it. Around half of those who commit suicide have had no contact with the health system. Read more about this at ABC News
Construction Advisor’s Well-being platform OptimiseQ™ is dedicated to the Construction Industry because we know the industry well – both its strengths and the areas which need addressing. The OQ Powwow™ program is designed to encourage this largely male-dominated industry to get comfortable in discussing amongst themselves how they’re tracking, which is usually the first step to improvement. To find out more about OptimiseQ™ and the Powwow™ program, contact us on