Submissions open for review of dangerous goods act

Submissions are now open for the Victorian State Government review of the Dangerous Goods Act 1985 with serious implications for the construction industry and its suppliers.
The statement headline reads:
Do Victoria’s dangerous goods laws effectively promote safety and ensure the effective management of dangerous goods? Share your views by making a submission.
The impetus for this review, of course, is in response to the serious mis-management/storage and disposal of waste in recent years that has resulted in massive contamination issues and horrible industrial fires/incidents. The issue now is how the government responds and whether the new legislation has unintended consequences for the broader construction industry and its suppliers.
Making a submission
Submissions close 5pm on Monday 30 November 2020.
Written submissions can be made electronically by uploading your submission below.
If you would like to provide your submission in a different way, or if you have any questions:
- Email:
- Write to:
The Secretariat
Dangerous Goods Act Review
C/- WorkSafe Victoria
P O Box 279
Geelong Vic 3220
You are not required to address all of the questions posed and you are also welcome to raise other issues that may not have been covered in the consultation paper.