Roads Australia releases latest version of strategic plan

Roads Australia (RA) has released the latest iteration of its three-year rolling Strategic Plan, outlining how it will bring industry, government and communities together – leading progress in Australia’s roads, integrated transport and mobility networks.
RA President, Michael Bushby, said that the Plan affirms RA’s position as the peak body for roads within an integrated transport system, setting out how RA intends to deliver enhanced outcomes for our industry and the wider community.
“Roads Australia is about far more than our name implies, and the Strategic Plan we release reflects Roads Australia’s continuing evolution and our active engagement across emerging areas of policy,” Mr Bushby said.
“Having government and industry as part of our membership allows RA to facilitate powerful policy leadership. When we speak, it is with a powerful and considered voice that proposes constructive and practical solutions for industry and the community.
“The Plan reaffirms the four strategic values that underpin all RA’s activities – to be the Leader, the Collaborator, the Facilitator and the Champion. For Roads Australia, these strategic values are the very foundation of the organisation and reflect the way we connect governments, industry and the community.”
Mr Bushby said that RA has built policy objectives for 2021 around four key themes – Resilience, People, Place Making and Data and Technology; with these themes reflecting their continuing evolution, as they strive to meet changing community expectations and embrace emerging industry opportunities.