The importance of sustaining positive mental health in the workplace has become an increasing point of focus for businesses in a multitude of sectors across Australia.
The construction sector is reported to be one of those sectors with a significant need for change, both in work culture and approach toward addressing mental
health issues. This is particularly pertinent in the current COVID-19 environment with many workers and their families facing new challenges, in both their working and personal lives.
Recognising the importance of directly addressing such issues, CCF Victoria
is taking proactive steps to design and introduce practical initiatives to assist and support construction businesses, their owners and employees in the space of positive mental health.
In lockstep with this commitment, CCF Victoria is pleased to advise that we have been successful in receiving funding under WorkSafe’s WorkWell Mental Health Improvement Fund for the Positive Plans
– Positive Futures Program. The WorkWell Program aims to make mental health and wellbeing a priority in Victorian workplaces through access to resources, funding and knowledge sharing.
Mentally healthy workplaces are not only good for staff, but they are good for business. According to a 2014 PwC Report, for every $1 invested in successful mental health initiatives, businesses see an average of $2.30 return on investment.
The project recommends that Mental Health Action Plans be submitted with tender documents in order to demonstrate a focus on preventing work related stress when scoping and resourcing projects. Positive Plans – Positive Futures aims to achieve both systems and cultural change by encouraging civil construction companies to include Mental Health Action Plans in their Capability Statements and to report their annual progress against their plan.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Summits for 300+ business owners and senior
- Regional Roadshows and podcasts to support development of a coordinated and integrated approach to the use of mental health tools, providers and other resources by construction
- Advocacy for Mental Health Action Plans to be part of EOI’s and Tender
- A number of capability building initiatives co-designed with business owners and senior
The WorkWell Toolkit will also be a key resource used by the Positive Plans – Positive Futures project. The WorkWell Toolkit is a free online tool that uses a step by step approach to help business leaders promote positive mental health and prevent mental injury in the workplace through access to tailored tools and information.
Resources included in the WorkWell Toolkit include policy templates, resources, videos and case studies that support business owners, leaders, managers and OHS and HSR to build mentally healthy workplaces
Civil Contractors Federation (CCF) is the peak industry body representing Australia’s civil construction industry with more than 1700 contractor and associate Members nationally.
CCF Members are responsible for the construction and maintenance of Australia’s infrastructure, including roads, bridges, pipelines, drainage, ports and utilities. Our Members also play a vital role in the residential and commercial building industry by providing earthmoving and land development services including the provision of power, water, communications and gas.

John Kilgour is the Chief Executive Officer for the Civil Contractors Federation Victoria. Known for his strong advocacy work and networks at local and state government levels, John joined CCF in February 2016 from the Committee for Ballarat where he was CEO.
Prior to joining the Committee for Ballarat, John has a long and distinguished career in the downstream oil industry with BP.
During his 34 years with the BP Group of companies, John delivered major investment projects in the oil and gas, retail, petrol and convenience sectors throughout Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.
In February 2017, John was appointed President of the Victorian Civil Construction Industry Alliance, of which CCF is a member.