NSW construction projects eligible for recycling grants

New grants are open for construction projects that want to reuse waste materials, such as glass or plastic, to help create a circular economy.
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has opened intakes for its Circulate and Civil Construction Market Programs, which aim to divert valuable materials from landfill for re-use, recycling and industrial ecology projects.
Grant funding helps organisations including businesses, councils, not-for-profits, waste service providers and industry bodies, among others, design projects that promote the circular economy, instead of a disposable culture.
EPA Director Circular Economy Programs Kathy Giunta said these programs will provide grant funding to support industry to respond to the decision by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) this year to ban the export of certain wastes that have not been processed into value-added material.
“One of the ways to mitigate the effects of China’s National Sword policy and to prepare NSW for the waste export ban is to invest in projects that demonstrate innovative uses of recyclables,” Giunta said.