Marist Catholic College Penshurst
Construction of new educational facility on the site of the South Hurstville Bowling Club for a Junior Campus (Years 7 & 8). Demolition of all existing structures except the heritage-listed Clubhouse. The new facility will consist of three new buildings and one existing building to house 25 learning areas and classrooms and a general multi-purpose room.
Building A: Re-use of the two storey heritage listed clubhouse for Administration areas.
Building B: new three storey building. First floor to house art spaces gallery areas and general learning area and toilets. Ground floor to house science labs general learning and breakout spaces. Lower ground floor to house music rooms performance area general learning spaces and toilets.
Building C: new two storey building. First floor is a void over the multipurpose hall. Ground floor to house multipurpose hall canteen breakout spaces reading facility and student services area.
Building D: new two storey building. First floor to house a food/fabric classroom preparation area and store general learning areas multipurpose courts and other play/recreation spaces. Ground floor to house woodwork facility and storage areas CAD studio general learning spaces breakout areas and toilets.
Walls are brickwork with aluminium/CFC cladding. Buildings A and B require lifts. There will be one pedestrian and vehicle entries with off street parking for up to 58 vehicles and a pick up/drop off facility for 37 cars. Associated works drainage fencing substation and access roads and landscaping.