Looking for a job on Victoria’s North East Link?

Skills centre links job seekers with Victoria’s Big Build.
The Victorian Government has launched the North East Link Skills and Job Centre in Watsonia to connect locals to the 10,000 jobs available on the road project.
Jobseekers are invited to walk in and learn more about the employment opportunities in areas like engineering and construction trades, traffic management, conservation land management and administration.
The centre will also support employers and industry by connecting them with workers and provide opportunities to develop and expand.
“This is a one-stop-shop for skills and jobs, allowing local people to drop-in and explore great opportunities on Victoria’s biggest infrastructure projects,” Victorian Training and Skills Minister Gayle Tierney said.
The North East Link project is the biggest road project in Victoria’s history, and is supported by the $33 million Big Build Apprenticeships program which will provide 1500 opportunities to Victorian apprentices and trainees each year for four years.