JP157 Aviation Refuelling Vehicles Facilities
New facilities to be provided to RAAF Base Williamtown NSW; RAAF Base Richmond NSW; 6th Army Aviation Regiment Holsworthy Barracks NSW and RMAF Base Butterworth Malaysia.RAAF Base Williamtown requires a new shelter (Shelter 1) over existing hardstand to include a new central firewall. Kerbing to be replaced to correctly define parking bays and installation and amendment of current stormwater system and drainage infrastructure. Shelter 2 has a bunded hardstand and will require concrete paving for access. Fire safety including 3 hydrants 4 hose reels powder fire extinguishers and safety showers are required as well as modifications to existing safety fence an one new gate.
RAAF Richmond requires a new shelter with extension to existing concrete hardstand. Drainage and stormwater modifications include installation of an ACO drain additional inlet and pipework. Two existing single headed fire hydrants will be replaced with dual headed hydrants and a new fire hydrant installed. A DN150 water main rerouted to provide water to three hose reels and a safety shower and a new Class 2 security fence constructed.
6th Army Aviation Regiment Holsworthy Barracks will have a new shelter with a bunded hardstand and existing concrete pavement extended for access. Additional stormwater inlets and pipework to a new 8000 L SPEL Puraceptor and a new fire hydrant installed. A new DN110 water main will provide flows to fire safety equipment. A new Class 2 security fence with three gates will be constructed.
RAAF Butterworth in Malaysia will have repairs to existing slab and the dispensing and offloading areas and the maintenance by repaired by caulking and resealing part of slab. Pipework will be altered to allow fit of new ARVs within the existing hardstand.