Have you heard about CQ?
You’ve heard of IQ and EQ – in the 21st Century workplace, CQ is now critical. CQ is your Communication Quotient – your intelligence in interacting with others, both at work and at home.
Human beings are social animals. No one from birth to death survives alone and so the necessity to relate to others is always present.
In the modern workplace, where most activity requires collective input, an ability to communicate effectively is critical. Typically, we’ve never been taught the basic principles of good communication to enable us to create positive outcomes – whether the mode is verbal, written, one-to-one or group.
In this 2.5 hour, highly interactive workshop, you’ll learn 15 key points designed to build your confidence about when to speak, how to speak and when to listen. The context is drawn from research and experience in the field, so that it provides relevant and practical material to both enhance your communication style and alleviate poor outcomes.
This workshop is designed to be held over breakfast or as a Lunch-and-Learn session. Click here to contact Construction Advisor for more information.
Where: On-premise, off-premise, webinar
Cost: To be advised. Contact ask@www.new.constructionadvisor.com.au for more information
Numbers are limited to 20