Grafton Correctional Centre

Construction of new Correctional Facility housing 600 cells for male and female inmates – both secure and residential – with a surge capacity of an additional 400 beds.The secure male section may include up to 350 cells in a total of four buildings consisting of six pods of 50 cells each and two pods of 25 cells. Each cell will have its own shower and toilet and each pod will have a small kitchen laundry exercise yard and interview room.
The secure female section may have up to 50 beds across three buildings consisting of five pods with 10 cells each. Each cell will have its own shower and toilet and each pod will have a small kitchen laundry exercise yard and interview room.
The residential male section may have up to 200 beds across seven buildings consisting of 25 pods of each cells. Each unit to have two toilets and showers as well as a kitchen and common space.
Support facilities such as medical facilities admission/reception stores visiting facilities control rooms armoury gatehouse and visitor processing staff offices and workstations are required as well.
Stage 1 consists of road upgrades essential infrastructure and services and other preparatory work.