Edinglassie Village Residential Aged Care Facility-Emu Plains

-Demolition of:-existing nursing home and the fellowship centre
-partial demolition of existing hostel
-infrastructure works
-removal of vegetation & excavation.
-filling of in-ground pool at 6 Troy Street
Construction of :
-three storey 100 bed residential aged care facility & all associated support services incl.
-lounge areas
-staff facilities
-kitchen & laundry.
Ancillary uses & services including:
– a fellowship centre
-beauty & hair salon
-chaplin room & chapel.
-passenger lifts & stairs.
Temporary change of use at 6 Troy Street from residential dwelling to ancillary administration office
Temporary change of use at 8 Troy Street from residential dwelling to ancillary fellowship centre during construction & a demountable building at rear for use as an overflow fellowship centre.
A-grade car parking for 55 vehicles.
Associated landscaping.
Further details:
-Development Application Number DA18/0306.
-Lot 1 DP650543 Lots 3-4 DP758387 Lot 14-15 DP232740
Note: Tenderers require prices two plus days before tender closing date;
Late submissions not considered.