Central QLD prepares for $1 billion Rockhampton Ring Road

Central Queensland is preparing for its biggest infrastructure project to date, the $1 billion Rockhampton Ring Road, with the state’s Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey this week holding meetings with potential suppliers to the project.
With an $800 million funding commitment from the Federal Government and another $200 million from the Queensland Government, the project aims to deliver a new 14.7 kilometre ring road with a total of 17.4 kilometres of new road to be constructed.
The ring road will link the Bruce Highway through Rockhampton extending from the Capricorn Highway (Nelson Street), to Rockhampton-Yeppoon Road/Bruce Highway intersection and will include a new crossing of the Fitzroy River at Pink Lily.
Minister Bailey said the project would create extensive opportunities for local contractors, after many benefited from the Rockhampton Northern Access Upgrade, which is nearing completion.