Campaign highlights the risk of occupational lung disease

Safe Work Australia is highlighting the importance of clean air in the workplace as part of this year’s National Safe Work Month.
Many industries are at high risk of occupational lung disease including construction, manufacturing, agriculture, mining and those who work with engineered stone.
Occupational lung diseases are conditions of the respiratory system caused by workplace exposure to dusts, gases, fumes and vapours.
This week Safe Work Australia will release a series of information sheets about different occupational lung diseases which include silicosis, asbestosis and mesothelioma, Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis and mine dust diseases, Q fever and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
In June, Safe Work Australia has launched an occupational lung disease awareness campaign which will run until December 2021.
Safe Work Australia chief executive officer Michelle Baxter said the Clean Air Clear Lungs campaign will help raise awareness about the risk of occupational lung disease.