Australian Rail Track Corporation awards contracts for Port Botany Rail Line Duplication and Cabramatta Loop

The $400 million Port Botany Rail Line Duplication and Cabramatta Loop project is moving closer to construction, with the awarding of two major contracts by the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC).
ARTC has announced that John Holland is the successful contractor to design and construct the Botany Rail Duplication, and Fulton Hogan is the successful contractor for the Cabramatta Loop.
ARTC CEO Mark Campbell said this marks a significant step in the delivery of this transformational project.
“The project will help meet future demand at Port Botany, where the freight task is predicted to increase by 77 per cent by 2036,” Mr Campbell said.
“The Botany Rail Duplication will duplicate the remaining 2.9 kilometre section of single line track between Mascot and Botany, while the 1.65 kilometre Cabramatta Loop will allow freight trains up to 1,300-metres in length travelling in either direction on the Southern Sydney Freight Line to pass each other.
“Not only will this increase freight capacity, it will also encourage more freight movements to be made by rail – helping to shift freight away from road transport and reduce the rate of growth in truck movements and traffic congestion.
“This will further bolster the economy, with more than 620 people employed by the two major contractors and their subcontractors at the peak of construction.
“Each extra freight train travelling on the Port Botany Rail Line will take up to 54 trucks off Sydney’s roads,” Mr Campbell said.
The ARTC is delivering both projects on behalf of the Australian Government.