Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

ANSTO require the construction of an unique waste treatment plant to apply the new Synroc technology. Synroc is a safe secure and sustainable waste treatment technology capable of treating a broad range of radioactive wastes to meet international requirements for long-term disposal.
Included in the facility are an industrial building structure with the usual building services concrete Hot Cells to house the Synroc process. There will be cranes and lifting equipment which will be dangerous goods rated.
The building will have a foyer and staff facilities office spaces such as meeting rooms and a breakout space storage areas loading area for truck deliveries Instrumentation and control (I&C) systems plant room to house the I&C systems main switchboards and other plant and equipment ventilation exhaust stack for the dilution and discharge of exhaust air and stack monitoring and electronic and physical security measures.
The new facility will be connected to the Lucas Heights infrastructure and the Lucas Heights B & C Line drainage system. There will also be a transfer pipeline and relevant equipment for the transfer of intermediate level liquid waste from the adjacent ANM Mo99 site.