Australian Inland Rail Expressway

Upgrade of the track from Parkes to Narromine.
Works include track formation track upgrades and culverts along the existing rail corridor between Parks and Narromine. To minimise any tight curves there may be some re-alignment of the track within the corridor.
Three new crossing lopps to be constructed as new sections of track within the rail corridor roughly parralel to the existing track at Goonumbla Peak Hill and Timjelly. Each loop will be 2.2 km long to fit the design length of the train of 1.8 kms.
A new rail connection to the Broken Hill line west of Parkes (the Parkes north west connection) including a road bridge over the new rail at Brolgan Road is to be included as well. An overbridge will be constructed offline to the north of Brolgan Road to allow access during construction. THe overbridge will consist of over 1 km of two lane road with a design speed of 80 km a bridge structure and two tie-ins.
Ancillary requirements include works to level crossings signalling & communications signage fencing and services & utilities.