A new trend in prefabrication

(Photo: seier+seier/flickr)
Construction is in the midst of a major technological and process disruption that promises to significantly compress schedules, up productivity and expand savings, according to two leading industry forecasters.
Broadly, this disruptive force is called prefabrication, but it’s also known as modular construction, industrialized construction or offsite construction. However you refer to the name of the trend, a report from Dodge Data and Analytics says the ramifications for contractors are profound over the next three years:
- Prefabricated multi-trade assemblies will be used by 58% of contractors doing prefabrication in general — up from the 33% using this approach now.
- Full volumetric modular construction, in which entire parts of buildings are delivered preconstructed onsite and assembled together will be used by 61% of contractors on at least 10% of their projects, up from just 44% currently.
- About 90% of contractors report that they achieve improved productivity, improved quality and increased schedule certainty when using these methods compared to traditional stick-built construction.