$80 Million In Regional Housing Funding Up For Grabs

The Victorian Government is calling on all developers and landowners in regional Victoria to put forward any developments or vacant land that could be turned into social or affordable housing.
The Government is investing $80 million to address a critical shortage of housing in regional Victoria, with recent rental market data showing housing affordability has fallen to its lowest level since data was first collected in 2000.
This is an opportunity for landowners and builders to contribute to the future of their communities by growing the supply of housing and creating jobs under the Government’s landmark $5.3 billion Big Housing Build.
Victorian Minister for Housing Richard Wynne says ‘As Victoria continues to grow, so does demand for social and affordable housing – that’s why we’re delivering more housing for Victorians in need, as well as low and moderate income households, while creating thousands of jobs.’
‘We are calling on landowners and developers to put their hand up to help make a contribution towards the future of their community, create jobs and put a roof over heads of Victorians who need it the most.’
This round of funding will focus on purchasing new homes, house and land packages and developable land that is zoned for residential use. Strict guidelines for proposals will need to be addressed including proximity to retail, schools and transport.
All Victorian regional areas will be considered, with a preference for the Greater Geelong, Latrobe, Moorabool, Golden Plains, Greater Shepparton, Baw Baw, Mildura, Wellington, East and South Gippsland, Macedon Ranges, Bass Coast, Surf Coast, Mount Alexander, Horsham, Swan Hill, Alpine and Mansfield Local Government Areas.
Landowners and developers are encouraged to partner with community housing providers, local government and other organisations to submit proposals to Homes Victoria. They can tender more than one proposal, with submissions due no later than 2:00pm on Thursday 7 October 2021 through tenders.vic.gov.au (Buying for Victoria).
The Government is investing $1.25 billion into new social and affordable housing in regional Victoria as part of the Big Housing Build, which includes minimum investment guarantees for 18 regional Local Government Areas.
Up to $485 million is set aside for projects outside the 18 priority LGAs, and Homes Victoria is working hard to create new opportunities for social and affordable housing in all parts of regional Victoria.
The Big Housing Build will provide more than 12,000 new homes across the state – boosting social housing stocks by 10 per cent – and create 10,000 jobs a year.