$600M plan for revitalising central Dandenong announced

Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan today announced the Revitalising Central Dandenong project has taken another step forward, with the project’s next phase draft masterplan released by Melbourne developer Capital Alliance for community feedback, along with design renders to give locals a glimpse of what it will look like.
The draft masterplan showcases the proposal for Dandenong and includes creating at least 470 new dwellings, a hotel and conference centre, offices and community spaces. An urban brewery entertainment district will also be built, as well as an education facility, retail, a medical facility, a cinema and dining.
To maintain the site’s strong cultural identity, the project will also deliver a brand-new Little India precinct. The new Little India will provide more modern facilities and services, as well as better spaces for tenants, and will be built as part of the development’s first stage to minimise disruptions to traders.
Construction on the development’s first stage is expected to commence in 2023 – which also includes delivering a supermarket, food market hall and residential building. Capital Alliance will invest $600 million to develop the area next to the Dandenong transport hub – creating more than 2,600 jobs during construction and close to 5,000 ongoing positions once complete.