2019… Lawyers, litigation, legalize, class actions and commercial risk.

2018 ended with a bang! And it wasn’t just the fireworks…
Commercial disputes at Barangaroo, Sydney Light Rail, the collapse of RCR Tomlinson and of course the Opal Tower have all thrust the construction legal fraternity into the spotlight. There is no doubt that there will some hand-wringing and ‘vigorous’ debates in the first round of board meetings in 2019 as construction leaders seek to ensure that they are water-tight on their legal risk.
Certainly some of these issues were beyond the reasonable control of the companies who fell victim, but others probably should have seen the risk. It is sadly all too common in a ‘boom’ whether it is mining or infrastructure, that the dollar signs shine too bright and the payoff seems worth taking the risk…
One thing is for sure… those legal-eagles who specialise in construction law are already eyeing off investment properties and a nice overseas holiday in 2020 because this year is going to be lucrative.