LED lighting to improve road safety

The Victorian and Australian Government are improving safety at 70 locations across regional Victoria with new innovative treatments that will enhance delineation and visibility to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on our roads.
In early 2021, $245 million was dedicated to Victoria under the Road Safety Program to support the fast roll-out of lifesaving road safety treatments on rural and regional roads and promote greater protection for vulnerable road users, like cyclists and pedestrians.
Through this funding $4 million is being invested to install new innovative treatments at 70 locations across regional Victoria to improve delineation for motorists and pedestrians.
As part of the Innovative Package, Regional Roads will be delivering three innovative treatments:
LED tactile paving at traffic signals
Photo-luminescent delineation treatment
Road linemarkings with high reflectivity
For example, in a first for regional and rural Australia, LED tactile pavings will be installed at pedestrian crossings in Bendigo and Trafalgar, with trials of glow-in-the-dark line marking and signage, and high reflectivity paint also being rolled out at locations across the state. At present, these two regional communities are the only localities anywhere in the world to boast this world-leading, life-saving pedestrian safety technology, outside of the City of Melbourne, South Korea and Dunedin (NZ).