10* rated energy efficient home built in SA

Latest technology helps create top-of-the-line energy efficient home.
South Australia now has its first ten-star rated energy efficient home with construction finished at the Woodforde property in Adelaide’s eastern suburbs, with the home featuring the latest in energy efficient technology and innovation.
The property uses the latest technology including roof, wall, window and floor construction methods and materials to reduce energy consumption.
A house which is rated ten out of ten stars under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) does not need artificial heating and cooling to keep you comfortable, which could significantly reduce household bills and benefit the environment. Instead of air conditioning, the property uses energy recovery to change the temperature of fresh air supply with the outgoing indoor passively controlled air.
Minister for Environment and Water, David Speirs, who toured the Woodforde property recently, said the house was another example of South Australia leading the way when it comes to environmental and energy innovation.
“South Australia is a national leader when it comes to energy and environmental policy and this ten-tar rated energy efficient home is another example of this,” Mr Speirs said.
“Around Australia more than 75 per cent of homes that get assessed under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme only achieve six or less stars, so to have a ten star-rated home in South Australia is very exciting.
“The house at Woodforde uses the latest technology and innovation to reduce energy consumption which can significantly lower household bills and lower emissions.”